Monday, June 16, 2008

Weekend In MD

I have been so busy at work lately I've seriously neglected updating. Although, nothing too exciting has been happening around here, so there hasn't been too much to write about. I worked everyday last week, 12 hour shifts, so needless to say I'm exhausted. It might not have been so bad had there been normal patients on the floor, but it seemed like we were having a blue light special on crazy this week!!! It wasn't even a full moon, but boy were they out!

So I'll add a few pictures of our weekend trip to MD. Jason and I went down the last weekend in May to be with mom during her birthday. Jeff and Britta were in as well so we had a lot of fun hanging out with everyone. One of the friends down there threw a "groom's shower" or as we dubbed it "the Man shower" for Jeff on Saturday. After the shower, the 4 of us (J&B and J&C) went hiking to Annapolis Rock. It was a really pretty day and we had so much fun. On Sunday we got an ice cream cake for mom, but we made the mistake in having the guys go pick out the cake. When it came back we saw they had a cake with a guitar that said " Happy Birthday Michael Vicki" (What says Happy Birthday more than lumping someone's name in with a convicted dog fighter on her birthday cake!)

So that's about it for now. Better go since it's starting to storm outside and I'd better close some windows!


Left Coast Sister said...

I am laughing laughing laughing because I can't decide if it would have been funnier to read your blog or to be the person decorating Michael Vicki's guitar birthday cake. Those boys you've shared last names with are funny ones. Sounds like they would have fit in nicely with your recent admissions... COME VISIT! I need a little of your silliness these days!

Laura said...

Christina - You are just the best writer! I enjoy your offbeat humor and so does Austin! I got laughing on Earth Day while reading and he wondered what was up. Then HE got roaring w/ the cynical sarcasm. He was panicked at first that you were a real greenie, but you reassured us soon enough. Laura